September 12, 2022
Kei te whakanui a Kokako i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori i Aotearoa, i ngā marama katoa o te tau
Ka tae te wā ki te whakahou i tō mātau pae tukutuku tawhito o tērā tau, ka whakanikoniko whakaaro ehara mo te whakamahi anake engari me aha ā mātau mahi tahi me ō mātou hoa kotui o te tiriti kia pai ai.
Na te mea he kamupene no Aotearoa whiwhi ingoa Māori tēnā ka pā atu hei tino haepapa. I muri i te whakahounga o te waitohu a Kokako ētahi tau ki mua kia mahia te tohutō, ka whakaaro mātau kia uru katoa kia mahia te tangata, ahakoa ko wai, i kuhu mai ki tō mātau pae tukutuku ki te mahi tahi ki te tono kawhe i roto i te reo Māori. Ka tāpiria he pātuhi takahuri ki tō mātau pae tukutuku hei takahuri tata ki te nuinga o ngā whārangi mai i te reo Ingarihi ki te reo Māori.
I puta tini marama., tini whārangi a Tuhi Google me te tini whakaputa mānawanawa mai i te kaituhi a Ratu Tibble (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau Apanui) nāna i āta whakamāori, i tirotiro, i ārahi i tō mātou tīma haerenga reo. Me tā mātau mōhio anō tērā ētahi hapa i tēnei mahi nunui e tīni nei i te puku o te mahi (ahakoa te āta mahi, āta whakatika, āta tirohia anō e Ratu) na ki te kitea anō e koe ētahi hapa whakamōhiotia mai ki a mātou.
Ko tēnei tīni, haerenga hīkoi tahi, ki te raranga i te reo taketake o Aotearoa ki roto i ō tātau noho tahi pakihi, hei whakapiki oranga i tō mātou tīma kia putaputa ai te reo hei korerotanga ia rā ia rā. Na te mea e tohu ana te 14 o Mahuru i te rima tekau tau pakeke o te Petihana Reo Māori, ko tēnei kaupapa e tuku kaha nei kia tautoko i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori ia rā o te tau.
Mēnā ko koe anake i tō haerenga reo, he tino rauemi ēnei hei āwhina i a koe:
Celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori - all year round
When it came time to update our ageing website last year, we brainstormed not only the functionality but also what we could do to be better treaty partners.
Being a New Zealand owned company with a Māori name comes with a certain responsibility. After updating the Kōkako logo some years back to include the macron, we decided to go all in and enable any person who visited our website to interact and order coffee in te reo Māori. We added a toggle to the top of our website, which switches almost every page from English to te reo Māori.
It took many months, many Google docs and a significant amount of time and patience from kaiwhakamāori, Ratu Tibble (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau a Apanui) who studiously translated, checked, and guided our team on our te reo journey. We know there may be some mistakes in this huge ever-changing body of work (even with Ratu checking, rechecking and checking again) so if you spot any, please let us know!
The switch is one step in our journey to weave Aotearoa’s indigenous language into our day to day business, build confidence in our team to integrate te reo into daily conversations. Given the 14th of September marks the 50th anniversary of the Māori Language Petition, this kaupapa has provided further impetus for our brand to advocate for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori every day of the year.
If you’re on your own te reo journey, we found these resources particularly helpful:
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